Plants include: shrubs, ground covers, herbs, medicinal herbs, ferns, tree ferns, succulents, flower and vegetable seedlings. We also have a selection of pots and gifts.
Mon – Sun : 8am to 5pm (including Sundays and public holidays)
Murambi Gardens Nursery
For a larger selection of plants, fruit trees, roses, pots, fertilisers, potting soil or manure visit our Murambi Gardens Nursery in Mutare at 19 Jason Moyo Drive, Murambi, Mutare.
Mon – Fri : 8am to 5pm
Sat: 8am to 12.30pm
Closed Sundays and Public Holidays.
We also have a tuck shop/grocery store in Vumba which has basic commodities … mealie meal, oil, sugar, soap, biscuits, etc., open as above.